A Message To Our Clients

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We fervently believe that all negatives in life can be converted into positives.

There are undoubtedly opportunities in every situation if we are open to change and adapting thereto. My favourite quote by W. Edwards Deming: "It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory," says it all.


We at REDZetc strive to be empathetic towards our clients at all times, whilst acting in a professional manner by imparting essential knowledge and always acting in an ethical manner.


In the past we have utilised a personal development session at REDZetc that deals with the attributes of an eagle. The following are the lessons that we have learnt and want to pass on to our clients in these trying times (and simultaneously stay totally true to in our dealings with our clients):


1.  The Eagle flies high - alone


The eagle flies at altitude only one kind of bird can fly....the eagle.  Never with other birds and never in flocks. 


Be independent

(Utilise the lock-down to enjoy your individualism and independence)


2.  The Eagle has strong and unbelievable vision


It can capture objects 5 km from the air.  No matter the obstacle, the eagle focuses on its prey and does not back out until the prey is captured. 


Stay focused

(Keep improving your life by focussing on doing what you have to do - put your and your family's health and safety first)


3.  The Eagle eats fresh prey


Vultures can feed on dead animals... but not the eagle.  The eagle is so choosy and special that it feeds on fresh prey only. 


Stay current and up-to-date

Do research

(Make good use of your time at home to do some research, stay informed, up-skill yourself and finish all that unfinished business...write a book, finish your course, study for your exam.)






4.  Eagle weathers the storm


Other animals can run from adversity - but not the eagle.  It thrives best in the midst of storm and winds. 


Face challenges head-on

Soar during storms

(Don't let a lock-down get you under...face the challenge and make the most of it. Stay in contact with your acquaintances by being there for them. Build more meaningful relationships. Be adaptable. Try being the best you can be as husband / wife / parent / employer / employee)


The Eagle prepares for challenges


Eagles take their young baby eagles to a mountaintop at high altitude to prepare them for the challenge of flying at great heights. When the baby eagle is released, the free fall at first is frightening...but the mother eagle soon comes to the rescue and the process is repeated again until the baby eagle can fly alone. It then spreads its wings and soars. 




(Prepare yourself mentally for the is going to be challenging on many fronts! But when you have succeeded in dealing with the challenges and learnt from will be able to soar for the rest of your days!)


In the event that you would like to communicate about real estate please feel free to contact either Dawie (084 5811622 or ) or Pam Snyman (082 800 0867 or All our agents around the country work from home and are also available at all times. Their details can be found on our website: or by contacting





Author: REDZetc

Submitted 25 Mar 20 / Views 2139